I love music.

And I love the stars.

And I love light.

And sometimes, when I stand swathed in starlight, and I look up at the countless stars,

I feel sure they are singing.

I love the poetry, the rhyme, the rhythm, of good songs. Especially the the rythym.

And sometimes, when I stand swathed in starlight and I look up at the countless stars,

I feel sure they are dancing to the rhythm of their song.

Or maybe they’re dancing to the rhythm of the angels’ song.

At any rate, they’re dancing.

I’ve always been a night owl. To a fault, admittedly.

It is at night, I really love best to write. It is at night the words seem to come without me trying to make them come. They come, sometimes, so fast, and there’s no stopping them under the starlight.

So I sit in the starlight and write until my soul is emptied of words.

Or I sit in the starlight and think, storing it in my head to write later.

I love the music of the starlight.